Wednesday, February 10, 2010

John Mayer + Cat butt belly button.

Sooo after hearing a lot of ish talkin about my main man John Mayer I decided to see what he really said. I read the whole transcript of the interview (you can too by clicking HERE) and my feelings can be summed up n one word. "eh". Who cares if John Mayers wang is a potential KKK member while his mind likes the mocha mamas? or that he is passing on a hood pass? or that he thinks Jessica Simpson has that good good? Not I. He doesnt owe anyone an apology. I bet you say a lot of racist, freaky, crazy shit that u never apologize for. If that's how he feels, that how he feels. Personally, Im glad I know where he stands. So wipe your tears and nose on ur shirt sleeve, suck it up, unfollow him on twitter, and dont buy/illegally download "Battle Studies".

I came across this and had to share . . .

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I agree with you and I though it was HILARIOUS!!!! He, to me, is so funny!! People just take things waaaayyy to seriously..